The Middle Tower

Tour: Entering the Tower of London

Most visitors to the Tower will pass over Tower Hill. On the brow, within the railings of Trinity Square, once stood a permanent scaffold. The Tower is entered at the foot of Tower Hill near where used to stand the Bulwark Gate. It was here that prisoners were handed over to the Sheriff of London.

Beheading of John, Duke of North- umberland, 1553, Tower Hill
Beheading of John, Duke of North-umberland, 1553, Tower Hill [Bobcatnorth]
Lions at the Tower of London []
Tower of London Lions in Moat [Wikimedia]

The Lion Tower

Here the royal menagerie was once housed. Henry I kept lions in the tower, hence its name. Henry II  was sent 3 leopards by Frederick III, and a white bear from the King of Norway, and later an elephant from Louis of France. James I is said to have entertained his guests to a bear baiting display in the Bear Pit. In 1834 the menagerie was sent to Regents Park where it formed the nucleus of the present London Zoo. The tower is no longer there, now serving as a restaurant for tourists.

The Middle Tower
The “Middle Tower” is the entrance to the Tower of London. It guards a passageway that goes across a dry moat. [Flickr: Bobcatnorth]

The Middle Tower

A short causeway leads to the Middle Tower built in the late 13th century. The archway, together with those of the Byward Tower and the Bloody Tower, were defended by portcullises, two of which remain.

Zoey Davies

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